Dec 18 2014

Article: Separation of Church and Space? Opinions on space exploration influenced by religious beliefs

Category: Religion in Space,Research,Space Explorationalobel @ 10:43 pm

Research by Political Science Professor Joshua Ambrosius (University of Dayton) examines views of space exploration among Catholics, Evangelicals, Protestants, Jews, practitioners of Eastern religions, and non-religious subjects. For a summary of his findings, click here.

Jul 16 2014

Article: “Space Exploration: Humanity’s Single Most Important Moral Imperative”

Readers will notice that I have added space exploration to the areas covered by this blog. This is a natural extension of my ongoing interdisciplinary research spanning religion and astronomy, encompassing religious perspectives upon the place of humans — homo religiosus in particular — in the cosmos, and on our future.

An interesting perspective on this issue is found in last month’s edition of Philosophy Now —  “Space Exploration: Humanity’s Single Most Important Moral Imperative.” I haven’t been logging in much lately, but hope to begin doing so more often in a few months. I invite your comments, and will reply when I can.